CenterNetworks Updates (and upgrades) Design

Our sister site, CenterNetworks, unveiled a new Web site design late last week. I must admit that, though I never really had any problems with the previous design, I think the new one is a real upgrade. The new design features cooler colors, working within the blue and green spectrum, and a slightly more intuitive layout. The ads seem a little less obtrusive and more of the items people are apt to use on a regular basis are easier to find. Let me know what you think of the new design, especially if you had experience with previous incarnations of the CN design.

2 Responses

  • admin

    Thanks Curtiss – I will have a post about the new design on CN later this week – still some loose ends I want to tie up first.

    The biggest change was the backend upgrades – went from mysql4 to mysql5, updated the drupal to 5.9 and optimized the heck out of the queries. The site loads so much faster now and is also “lighter”.

    Thanks for noticing and for the compliments – I think the new site rocks.

    In case you are wondering, Mark did the design – he runs the agency CMPLT –

    — Allen

  • Yes, you are right. I also think that the new site is an upgraded one. The striking colors, the more intuitive layout, the lesser obtrusive ads all made the site look more uprated in comparison to your previous site.

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