Corel Paint Shop Pro XI

Being that I just installed Corel Paint Shop Pro XI late last night, I still have yet to write a review of the software. However, I did want to make everyone aware of a fantastic new feature that’s been added to this version of PSP.

Within the new Browser palette (which is now called the “Organizer”), there is a calendar. As you can see in the image, days on which new images were added (based on the “File Creation Date”) will be marked in red. If you click on a red day, it will show all images added on that day in the “Organizer” (formerly known as Browser) window.

I don’t know if this type of feature is available in other programs, yet. I suspect it is probably available in programs like Picasa, but I really haven’t played much with them, nor have I installed any versions of PhotoShop since 7.

However, the fact that this is one of the first features you notice when you install PSP XI is great, in my opinion. The Organizer window is one of the default palettes/toolbars docked on your screen when you first install PSP XI, so it’s very easy to play with the new features they’ve added.

In addition to the Calendar Search, Corel also added a zoom-bar, so that you can easily make the thumbnails in the Organizer window larger or smaller. Supposedly that was a feature that they added in PSP X, but I never found it. In PSP XI, it is one of the first things I noticed.

I will be posting a proper review of PSP XI when I get a chance to write it, but this feature had me so impressed, I simply had to post about it now.

One Response

  • Wow, that calendar feature is pretty cool. I didn’t even know about it. Thanks for the cool tip.

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