OffiSync – Save Your Office Documents Online

OffiSync LogoMicrosoft Office 2010 will include the ability to save documents to and open documents from a repository on the Web. Further, you’ll be able to actually open the documents in your browser and perform minor edits. Until that functionality is enabled, though, you have another option to do the same thing (actually, since we have yet to actually see the collaboration and cloud storage features in Office 2010 – they have not yet been enabled in the beta – the alternative might even be better than what’s coming).

OffiSync allows you to save your documents to and open documents from a GoogleDocs account. You can associate multiple Google accounts with your Office installation, easily switching back and forth between those accounts. With OffiSync, you can do all of the following:

  • open any document that’s stored in any of your GoogleDocs accounts
  • save documents from your Office application to any of your GoogleDocs accounts
  • adjust the collaboration settings for any documents you own
  • easily copy the link to the GoogleDocs document so you can share it any way you choose
  • e-mail the link to all collaborators
  • open the document in your Web browser with the click of a button
  • search Google (including an option to search just Google Images) for information to be added to the document

All of that (and more) can be done for free with a simple Office Add-In installation. OffiSync will even check periodically for updates and prompt you if a new version is available for installation.

If you subscribe to a premium OffiSync account, you can even save Office documents in their native formats (rather than converting them to GoogleDocs format) and integrate Google Sites into MS Office.

OffiSync is fully compatible with Office 2007 and, as far as I can tell, with the Office 2010 beta. I’m not sure if it is compatible with older versions of Office or not, but it’s certainly worth a shot.

One Response

  • OffiSync is compatible with MS Office 2003, 2007, and 2010, and with all versions of Google Apps as well as stand-alone Sites and Docs accounts.

    The Premium license is required to connect to Google Sites, for some of the document search features, and to preserve MS Office formats of uploaded documents.

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